Tuesday, Feb 4th

Lunch Program: Anyone who is interested in volunteering for the lunch program please leave your name at the main office.

Breakfast Program: we are still looking for  volunteers for the breakfast program please leave your name in Student Services.

Waterloo Math Contest: any grade 10 and 11 students interested in writing the upcoming Waterloo math contests: please see Mr. Toms in 302 to sign up.  The contest will be held on February 26.  The registration deadline is February 10.

Junior Achievement: will be in the lobby on Friday, Feb 7th to talk with students about their program. Learn how to run a business, be creative and meet new people. Be sure to stop by and learn all about their program.



Crochet Club: meets every Wednesday in room 333. Bring your lunch – all materials provided. Beginners and experts are all welcome!

Chess Club: will be held on Wednesdays at lunch in room 306.

Grade 12 Information:

Final First Semester Transcripts: will be sent to grade 12 students when marks are finalized. This link will expire in 21 days from when it is sent. It is important for students to save a copy for their use until second semester mid term marks. These transcripts will be used to university/college applications as well as scholarships that do not require an official copy. Many universities/colleges will accept an unofficial copy and it is up to you the student, to determine how the university or college wants to receive it.

The following universities will be visiting Charlottetown Rural over the next couple of weeks. Students will be required to sign up for any that take place during class time in Student Services:

Today! Tues, Feb. 4th- Saint Mary's 11:30 in the lobby

Wed, Feb 5th- UPEI Scholarship Presentation:  UPEI will be here on Wednesday at 9:00. Students are required to sign up for this presentation in Student Services.

Wed, Feb 12th- Acadia 11:30 in the lobby

Thurs, Feb 13th- Dalhousie 11:30 in the lobby

Grade 12 students are encouraged to join the CRHS Class of 2025 Google Classroom.  The code to join is b2z6quu.