Lost and Found: there was a water bottle found by the gym entrance. If it is yours, come and claim it in student services.
Lunch Program: Anyone who is interested in volunteering for the lunch program please leave your name at the main office.
Breakfast Program: Anyone who is interested in volunteering for the breakfast program please leave your name at the main office.
Peer Helping: Anyone who is registered for Peer Helping next semester must see Mrs. MacCormac in the library by Thursday of this week.
Wrestling will be cancelled Wednesday, (Jan 22) and will resume next Wednesday (Jan 29th) after school.
The Drama class will be conducting their exam on the stage in the cafeteria during the Friday morning exam period. As such, the cafeteria will be closed at that time to minimize distractions. Any students not writing the exam in the school during that time will not be able to study in the cafeteria.
Crochet Club: meets every Wednesday in room 333. Bring your lunch – all materials provided. Beginners and experts are all welcome!
Chess Club: will be held on Wednesdays at lunch in room 306.
Grade 12 Information:
Grade 12 students are encouraged to join the CRHS Class of 2025 Google Classroom. The code to join is b2z6quu.